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Target Audience:

  • Pre-Lunch and Snacking Occasions: Leverage "drive to store" ad units and dayparting to reach customers at the prime times and locations for food/beverage consideration and on-the-go consumption
  • Gaming Occasions: The Pizza & Coke bundle is perfect for gamers, as 80% of people consume food and drink while playing video games. By targeting gamers, we can stimulate both in-store and online orders


  • Media Research
  • Media Planning & Buying
  • Tracking & Reporting

Media Plan:

  • Waze
  • Moment-based programmatic display
  • Twitch
  • Gaming content programmatic display
  • Native mobile moments

Reaching the right audience at the right time

Engage your target audience at the precise moments of consideration.

The convenience retail space is driven by impulse purchase decisions, whether at the pump, in the parking lot, or at home using delivery options. This plan needed a strategy to own on-the-go and impulse moments to drive store traffic and purchase of a Pizza and 20 oz Coke Classic bundle with a convenience retail partner.

Utilizing geotargeted media served within just one mile of the retail locations, along with gaming-specific ad placements, we zeroed in on the consumers and occasions that were most likely to drive purchase of the offer.

The right media for the occasion

Once the audiences were identified, our team got to work vetting out the right media partners for this plan. Waze is an excellent partner to stimulate on-the-go consideration, and provides attribution tracking to measure store visit lift.

We also layered on kinetic-based programmatic targeting. This technology reads a smartphone’s accelerometer and gyroscope to detect motion inputs (e.g. sitting, holding, laying down, on a table, running/walking, on a car or train). Paired with additional data signals from the device (location, time, internet connection) we could identify ad-receptive moments and show display ads at the right time.

Finally, we channeled our inner gamer, buying ad inventory on Twitch and gaming content to meet gamers where they are in their living rooms or bedrooms with a convenient offer to keep their game going.

Determining and measuring the right KPI’s is the final and most important step. For this campaign, we measured Impressions, Clicks, Navigations, Store Visit Lift, and Sales Lift.


Increase in volume of 20 oz Coca-Cola classic purchased with pizza


Overall CTR


Store Visit Lift

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Further Reading